Hot Potato
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Hot Potato
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Hot potato pass it on
Hot potato pass it on
Hot potato pass it on
Get rid of the hot potato.

Game 1. Children sit in a circle and pass a tennis ball. When they get to "Get Rid", the person who has the ball rolls it to someone else in the circle on the word "Rid" (musical accent). If forgets or misses, he is out .

Game 2. Children put their hands behind their backs and pass the ball round. A Guesser in the middle of the circle is trying to find the ball at the end of the song. The ball may be passed in opposite directions during the song to make the task more difficult.

Veure l'exercici

1. Síl·labes rítmiques

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2. Escriptura rítmica

Veure l'exercici

3. Puzle de notes

Veure l'exercici

4. Escriptura de la melodia al pentagrama

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5. Nom de solfeig

Veure l'exercici

6. Escriptura amb el piano

Musicators és gratuït pels usuaris
però no ho és el seu manteniment.

Sisplau considera fer una donació
per ajudar al lloc web
i als seus creadors!

Publicat: 2019. de novembre 5.

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