About us

Musicators is a free online platform where music teachers can create and share exercises from beginner to upper intermediate levels and assign them to their students, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous teaching methods.
Musicators started as a passion project in 2018 to experiment with digital devices in music education. Since then, we bring together music teachers from all around the world to share their music and knowledge with their students and colleagues. Teachers can create eighteen different exercise types inspired by the Kodály method to effectively develop musical skills and competences. To save more time on preparation, exercises can be automatically generated with a few clicks from a newly created or an uploaded score.
Students can work on the exercise sets on desktop computers, tablets or even on mobile phones without registering and their teachers can easily follow their progress on automatic reports. We are happy to serve thousands of users daily who pass on the world's musical heritage to next generations.

Daniel Bali

I graduated from the Liszt Academy of Music as music teacher in 2016. Originally, programming was my hobby, but now­adays developing websites has become my main profession. I created Musicators combining these two passions of mine, which I constantly develop and manage.

Bali Daniel

Daniel Molnár PHD

I graduated as a history teacher from Uni­versity Eötvös Loránd, where I defended my PhD about musical theater in 2017. Since then, I am working as curator and stage director. I am in charge for the visual and brand identity of Musi­cators.

Molnár Daniel

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